Drone Surveying
Using an enterprise-grade RTK surveying drone, East Coast Drones is able to provide pinpoint accuracy, while mapping with high-resolution RGB. Our services include aerial orthographic mapping, digital surface model mapping, precision control mapping, multispectral mapping and aerial photography.
These services are invaluable when identifying issues you might not even be aware off. High resolution maps provide advanced details of your property, saving you time and money and monitoring events such as plant health, erosion, site inspections, asset management and map updates. In addition, having a birds-eye view of your land will afford you greater insight into how to better utilise your resource, which helps you make informed decisions and affect how you plan and manage your work site.
Precision Contour Mapping
Water management on farms requires accurate measurements of contours for diverting water flows, building dams and leaky weirs and for irrigation purposes. Autonomous drones can fly large areas with accuracies of 1-2cm in both the vertical and horizontal dimensions if required. The contour maps can be displayed by individual contours at any spacing or as a banded colour visual between contours.
Aerial Orthographic Mapping
An orthophotograph is an aerial photograph geometrically corrected (“orthorectified”) such that the scale is uniform: the photo has the same lack of distortion as a map. Unlike an uncorrected aerial photograph, an orthophotograph can be used to measure true distances, because it is an accurate representation of the Earth’s surface, having been adjusted for topographic relief, lens distortion, and camera tilt.
Digital Surface Model Mapping
DSMM represents the earth's surface and includes all objects on it. This can then be used for analysis of say the height of the vegetation and measure the variation in height across a grass paddock, the roughness of a wheat crop surface or difference in growth rates between varieties.
3D Digital surface model,
The Steam Shovel, Clermont Museum
Interactive 3D Model
- Left click to move around.
- Right click to orientate view point.
Thanks to the Isaac Regional Council
East Coast Drones Exploring New Ideas

Aerial Photography of Property
Normal RGB cameras can be used to get aerial views of property, plants and animals which can be used as a normal record of a place or an event or the consequence of say a weather event. They can also be used to count vegetation or to get 3D reconstructions of the property.
Drones can be used to inspect and analyses a wide range of issues. These could include on farm water structures or off farm, wind turbine generator blades, solar panel, water infrastructure, power-line and towers.